Thursday, September 16, 2010

Some Democrats Break With Leaders On Tax Cuts!!

Should Bush-era tax cuts expire?

Yes, I think it should expire because President Obama’s proposal is reasonable enough for everyone. In this article from CNN , it states that you clearly see that the Democrats are leaning towards Obama’s proposal that involves maintaining the reduced tax rates for people who earns $250,000 a year, and allowing the Bush-era tax cuts to expire for everyone who earns more than $250,000 a year. Most of the Democrats facing re-election this year are pushing to get an extension on the expiring tax break for everyone, but mainly most if not all of the Republicans wants to keep what former President Bush put in action which was tax cuts for income levels and the wealthy.  
In the last month or so, the outcome of polls that were conducted indicates that a slight majority do not want tax breaks for the wealthiest earners to be extended.  While reading this article the percentage of people who does not want to extended tax cuts for wealthy income earners is a not shocking to me because I agree with Obama’s proposal and I think it is going to help everyone for every income level. 

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