Tuesday, November 9, 2010

They Deserve The Right To Be Happy Too!!!

    In the blog "Equality and the Gay Marriage Issue," it talks about the gay and lesbian community should gain the right to legalize same-sex unions in all American states. I agree with the author of this blog because homosexuals are no different than heterosexuals. I hope society can see this and hopefully push to legalize same sex marriage within the next 2 to 3 years or even before that.
    I think that homosexuals have all the same rights as every heterosexual in the world, especially in the United States because it is the so called land of opportunities and equality. Society and this government should understand that homosexuals should obtain the right to be legally married just like everyone else, because they love just like you and me, so who are we to deny them that right. Society just needs to understand we are in 2010 equality should not be a right it should be natural to us. society also need to understand that  homosexuals do not decide to be that way, they were born like that, and even though they are people who choose to be gay are wrong because I feel like they are making the people who did not choose that lifestyle suffer, and that is wrong.
    Another topic involving the gay and lesbian community that I think you should have added is that they should not be entitled to adopt the safety of the children because the government is worried about the safety of the child. This is just ridiculous why would they ever be worried about the safety of a child in a homosexual household. These people are acting like a homosexual household is worse than a heterosexual household, look at television they are bad people everywhere, they are rapist, abusers etc in heterosexual households, so is that safer than a homosexual household because you are worried about the child be bullied because of his/her parents or their sexual orientation might be changed that is nonsense.
    No one should deny anybody the right to be happy and have a family because you do not accept their lifestyle and you think it is a sin, so they will go to hell. That is not your position to judge because in the end, whether it is wrong or right their lifestyle is between them and God. Not between you,  them, and God.

                            "Only God Can Judge Me"- Tupac Shakur

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